Outreach Organizations
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): http://www.aa.org
- Narcotics Anonymous: (NA): http://www.na.org
- Cocaine Anonymous: (CA): http://www.ca.org
- Celebrate Recovery: www.celebraterecovery.com
- Codependents Anonymous: (CODA): CoDA.org
- Dual Recovery Anonymous: http://www.draonline.org
- Adult Children of Alcoholics: http://adultchildrenofalcholics.org
- Al-anon/Alateen: http://www.al-anon.alateen.org
- American Society of Addiction Medicine: http://www.asam.org
- National Association for Children of Alcoholics: http://www.nacoa.org
- National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers: http://www.naatp.org
- Suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- Treating pain without opiods: Asanarecovery.com
- Gamblersanonymous.org
- For Detox: Americanaddictioncenters.org
Other Resources and Outreach Organizations
Crisis Hotline
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Addiction Helpline at 1- (877) 478-5973
- National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE
- National Domestic Violence Hotline at (TDD) 800-787-3224
- National Youth Crisis Hotline at 800-448-4663
- NDMDA Depression Hotline – Support Group at 800-826-3632