Family Addiction Counseling


Families Need Recovery Too

Family Addiction Counseling

Family suffers from addiction too. It’s easy to believe the addict has the problem and if they’d only stop, all will be great! But that is not true. Some family members are known to enable the addict. They live in fear that if a boundary is set, they will be homeless, hurt themselves or even die, so they continue to support and enable, which the addict knows and plays it over and over again. This is how they manipulate. It is the addiction. This is not love, it’s a game of fear vs. manipulation and to stop this violent cycle, everything has to change.

Family Addiction Counsels the “enabling family members” into emotional health, self-care and boundaries. We understand the complexities of why you can’t set a boundary and put yourself first and want to help you unravel it, but truly, it is harder for you to let go, than for them to ask for help. It’s when you say, “If you want to live this way, that is your choice, but I won’t live like this anymore. You have to go” that is the key that allows them to take the steps toward recovery. Ask yourself if your love has made them stop? If the answer is no, then perhaps you’re ready to.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Don’t wait much longer, start your journey to recovery. Fill out the form below with your contact information and let’s talk. We will call you within 24 hours, depending on your preferred time.

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    *** For Those Concerned with Stigma or Anonymity ***
    “We respect the privacy of all our clients, therefore, no Government agency, Board or electronic filing will monitor your behavior, track your progress or have access to any of your information. We are a private service. No reporting system of any kind shall be made and we will not share your information with anyone outside of Steele Recovery. We are bound by confidentiality laws and your privacy is paramount.”
